Accessibility Audit

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Making web applications and web-based products WCAG- and ADA-compliant with thorough, detailed accessibility audits.

We’ll help ensure that your app is accessible to everyone, including customers, end-users, and your internal team, creating a more user-friendly experience.

Accessibility isn’t just about meeting standards or completing a checklist. It’s about creating an inclusive online experience for all users.

Did you know that about 1.3 billion people in the world have a disability that could hinder them from using your application if it’s not user-friendly? That’s a lot of people who would miss out on the product or service your organization offers. By investing the time into making your Rails app and product accessible, you’re showing people that you value their experience, thereby creating trust between you, your customers, and anyone who interacts with your application.

Through an extensive website accessibility audit, our team can help you identify areas of your app that could be improved and will work with you to create a plan for implementing changes.

While we focus on Rails apps primarily, we can also perform this service for web applications written in other technologies, including React.

 How do accessibility audits work?

  • Identify opportunities for improvement
  • Make a plan
  • Implement changes

Benefits of Our Accessibility Audit Service

  • Receive a personalized plan
  • Offer a more inclusive experience
  • Get more organic website traffic
  • Achieve WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) and ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) standards
  • Reduce your legal risk

Schedule a FREE 30-minute consultation about auditing your site for accessibility.

Understanding User Limitations

Making your application accessible to as many people as possible is making a statement about your user’s right to access. It is hard to know who all your users are, but you can take steps to make sure your application accommodates a variety of limitations.Making your application accessible to as many people as possible shows you care about a user’s right to web access. It is hard to know who all your users are, but you can take steps to make sure your application accommodates customers with a variety of limitations.


We perform automated and manual tests on many aspects of the site, including keyboard navigation, how the site functions with a screen reader, color contrast, proper labeling of images, and much more.

Identify Areas Of Improvement

By following a set of best practices in your application design and development, you are taking productive steps toward universal accessibility. We'll work with you to identify areas that could be improved and define next steps to help ensure you're eliminating obstacles and challenges for your users. This will create a more accessible and useful website for your company.By following a set of best practices in your application design and development, you are taking productive steps toward universal accessibility. We'll work with you to identify areas that could be improved and define the next steps to help ensure you're eliminating obstacles and challenges for your users. This will create a more accessible and useful website for your company.

Achieve WCAG & ADA Standards

Compliance with most global regulations requires websites to comply with WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) and ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) standards. By making your site accessible, you tell your customers and product users that you care about their experience.

What Clients Say About About Us

Photo of Daniele Volpe
"Working with Planet Argon has been a great experience. The transition from our previous provider to them was very smooth, and they took care of everything within a very short period of time."
5.0 star rating
Photo of Zachary O'Connor
" Their ability to problem-solve, communicate effectively and willingness to teach has been amazing and very much appreciated."
5.0 star rating
Photo of Jonathan Silver
"While their approach to customer service and client relations is great, what I actually found most impressive was their ability to help develop solutions in creative ways."
5.0 star rating
Photo of Krista Sharlin
"The team at Planet Argon quickly became an extension of our own and they continue to be strong and trustworthy development partners."
5.0 star rating

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