Planet Argon

2011 was a great year for the Planet Argon team!

Let's take a scroll down memory lane.

Eric joins the team!


iKare! Excited to Welcome iKare as a New Client

Brian joins the team!

It Snowed!

The view outside our studio window downtown.

From the blog

We're moving... again!

posted by Robby Russell

As much as we love our current space, it’s been getting cramped as we’ve hired several new people since January. With even more new hires on the way, we’re moving to a larger studio across the river. (view map)

Stay tuned for more photos as we get the space organized!

Carl joins the team!

Robby's Springtime Paris Adventure

Carlos Vacations in Cabo

Webvisions: Portland

Allison, Brian, and Eric attend the latest incarnation of WebVisions in Portland.

Annie joins the team!

British Flag photo


Allison joined Robby in London to meet and plan out summer projects... collaboration!

We got water bottles

Robby surprised us all with personalized SIGG water bottles. We are all now well hydrated.

Planet Argon Water Bottles photo

Gary Runs the Cascade Lakes Relay

Contiki Homepage photo

Redesigned Trip Finder and Homepage Launch for Contiki

Jack joins the team!

Annie Gets Hitched!
RailsConf logo

Carl and Carlos head to the Big Easy for some tasty Rails knowledge.

Contiki Tourpage screenshot

Redesigned Tourpages Launch for Contiki

Pumpkin Carving photo

Pumpkin Carving Extravaganza

To celebrate All Hallows Eve, we all took a shot at pumpkin carving with mixed results.

Gary had a Birthday

Blessington, Blessington. Yes, Blessington? Blessington.

Gary Birthday Party photo

Added McMenamins as a New Client

McMenamins photo